Did I mention there is a new Gym in town?

Hello World!


Well, those of you who know me, know that I especially take the time off from my oh-so-busy-life, and spend it exercising and keeping fit.Being 5″3, weighing in at 43kg, you would think I wouldn’t need any exercise right?! Wrong!! Being a inactive couch potato (i.e. A BUM!) is, and I simply must mention, just as bad as being a smoker.

I believe we need to take care of our bodies and minds equally, though many may consider the former as more important. Let me tell you this, trying to maintain a healthy external appearance, as well as a strong and internal well-being is as hard as it could get when it comes to overall bodily health. Nothing good comes easily!

We need that little extra push to better ourselves. In the case of exercise, we have gyms, with fascinating machinery invented just to keep your butt in shape. You have absolutely NO excuse to ditch your daily workout(and don’t give me the whole “I have no time” alibi-everyone can spare 30 minutes up to one hour a day working up a sweat).

So, this is mainly for the ladies:

I am proud to announce the opening of a new gym *applause*, owned by a close friend of mine. The new gym is called Shapes For Women, located at the following address:


Block 1A

Street 105

Building 186

 Or you may call at: 5331080

Or check out their website

Your body is your temple people, it needs to be cared for- otherwise you’ll end up with flabby,weak muscles, a malfunctioned heart and lungs, stiff joints(you catch my drift).AND for you smokers out there, life is short-don’t make it any shorter!Cigarettes are cancer sticks, and there are better ways to die.

Be good to your body, and it’ll be good to you.




February 18, 2008 at 6:31 pm 7 comments

Au Gratin Taters

Hello Everyone!

My little sisters LOVE junk food. So pizza was on our dinner menu for tonight,I have to admit I do have my junk food cravings every once in a while but I usually end up eating one slice or less and thats it, so I decided to make one of my side dishes to go along with it as its my only means of veggies in my main course. I would like to share with you another one of my potato recipes. You will need:

2 large potatoes au_gratin.jpg

2-3 garlic cloves

Butter or margerine(1/2 stick)

full-cream milk

grated cheddar cheese


*I based my portions as cooking for three people

1. Turn on base oven(160 deg Celcius)

2. Peel potatoes and slice them into 5mm rings

3. Peel garlic cloves and slice into 3mm rings

4. Put butter in pyrex dish and blast in microwave for 1 min

5. Layer the potatoes in rows and sprinkle some of the garlic and salt in between the layers

6. Pour some milk 1 inch from the base of the dish

7. Pop it in the oven for 45 mins

8. Take dish out and sprinkle your cheddar cheese on top, turn on top oven and pop it in for 10 mins until cheese slightly browns

Serve right away but careful it’ll be smokin HOT!!


February 9, 2008 at 9:20 pm 4 comments

Luna’s Rice Krispy Treats

Hello World!

I’m not a big fan of chocolate, I do however like the occasional dose in ice-cream, milk or with fruit. I also like it with rice krispies. Heres a favourite recipe of mine VERY easy to make, and very yummy too.

You’re going to need:                                                                                                                       krispies.jpg

10 Mars Bars(540 grams)

130 grams rice krispies

1. In a steam pot or water bath, melt your Mars Bars until thick and runny(don’t let any water get in)

2. In a large bowl, add your rice krispies and the melted choco mix in and mix well with a wooden spatula( or use your hands-careful its HOT!)

3. In a pyrex dish, spread the mix and flatten it out as much as you can, make sure the edges of the pyrex are filled in really well.

4. Place in fridge for a half hour or so.

5. Take dish out, and with a spatula try to separate the mix from the edges of the dish until it comes out a big block.

6. With a large sharp knife(not with a raggedy edge) cut(don’t saw its not bread!) the block into long vertical pieces, then for each strip, cut further into 5 square pieces( about 1.25*1.25 inch pieces, I call these MAN-SIZE pieces:)).

7. Place in air-tight jar.



  •  I’ve known a few who like it a little sweeter, you can add some sugar and honey to the chocolate mix while its melting, personally I think thats as sweet as it gets:)


January 20, 2008 at 8:51 am 8 comments

Kitty Litter- Luna’s Way

Hello World! 

We all have our own way of changing our cat’s litter-box. I thought I’d share my method with you:)                                                                                                                                            cat_litter_deodorizer4.jpg

You will need:  

Regular Cat Litter


Kitchen roll(4 squares)

Crystal Cat Litter(optional)


1. Assuming you washed and dried the litter-box, layer some newspaper at the base.

2. Layer on the deodorizer, a thin layer to completely cover the newspaper base. It smells lovely,I found it in Sultan Center, the smell didn’t bother Mouse.


3. Layer some of the crystal litter, I don’t use it in big proportions but if you do then thats fine, but I dont consider it cat litter. I read it can be toxic if ingested, but someone told me that if I really wanna use it I can put it in and layer some kitchen roll on top of it so do that. Mouse, again, depending on the cats personality, wont eat his own cat litter….he whines if I dont change it every week so I very much doubt that he would eat it:)


4. Finally, layer on the cat litter.


5. Done!


  • I wash the litter-box with Dettol then I leave it outside to dry for a while, it would be a good idea to have 2 litter boxes so you can alternate while the former is drying.


What do you get…A Very Happy Kitty!:)

January 7, 2008 at 6:05 pm 6 comments

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don't you just hate it when it's too late to add the eggs?